

Supervisors Meetings

The Board of Supervisors Meetings will be held the second Tuesday each month at the North Franklin Township Municipal Building. The starting time will be 5:30 PM. Any changes to meeting dates and times will be published in the Observer-Reporter newspaper.  If you have a topic you wish to discuss at the meeting, please complete this form and return it to the township secretary by mail, email ( or fax (724-228-2150). Your request must be received at least one week prior to the meeting.

Planning Commission Meetings

The Planning Commission Board Meetings will be held on the fourth Tuesday of the month at the North Franklin Township Municipal Building.  The starting time will be 6:00 PM.

Zoning Hearing Board Meetings

The Zoning Hearing Board meets on an as needed basis. Dates and times will be announced and advertised.

Upcoming Meetings

Annual Reorganization Meeting

Monday, January 6, 2024, 5:30 p.m.

Township Municipal Building Community Room, 345 Franklin Farms Road, Washington, PA

 January Supervisor’s Meeting

Monday, January 6, 2024

Immediately after the Reorganization Meeting


Conference Call Phone Number: 878-212-9145,

when prompted for a PIN enter: 153#

All callers will be muted upon entering the conference call. If you wish to speak during the meeting, please send an email to: and enter the phone number you are calling from in the subject line of the email so that we can unmute your line.

Township Code (Ordinances) – Available Here

Recently passed Ordinances that may not be included in the online code are available HERE.


